How To Build Six Pack Abs In Minimal Time

By Howe Russ

Since the beginning of the fitness industry there have always been people looking to get instant results. While it might seem that everybody today is looking to learn how to lose weight instantly via the next big thing, the industry has always been this way and not much has actually changed. It's commonplace nowadays to hear people claiming that you can discover how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or pack on an inch to your biceps in two weeks by following a certain type of plan.

That's not to say you cannot achieve fast results, though.
See how to get a six pack in 3 minutes with today\'s quick workout.

The midsection is an area of the body which is subject to so many different opinions and training styles that many fitness enthusiasts simply don't have a clue where to start. With so many different so-called experts telling you contrasting things it can become hard to focus.

Try telling a work friend that you're attempting to get in shape and you'll hear countless different opinions on what you should do, most of which go against what the last person told you to do. You could let that confuse you or you could simply see it for what it is. There is more than one way to get in shape, it's as simple as that.

While each exercise routine must be specific to your body, the basics of fitness remain the same for all of us.

Below, you will see a very basic yet incredibly effective abdominal workout designed to strip body fat from your body and develop stronger muscles in your core. In doing this, you will finally achieve the definition and physique you have been trying to achieve. Better still, the entire workout can be completed in as little as three minutes.

* Body Weight Mountain Climber

* Ninety Degree Crunches (knees held up at a ninety degree angle)

* Advanced Plank

Each move is performed with high intensity for 30 seconds. This session is based around your efforts, so try to cut down rest between exercises to as little as possible or none at all providing you can physically handle it. In doing so, your heart rate will be elevated and allow you to burn off more calories at an express rate. Two rounds of this circuit will only take three minutes, with the option of a third round for those who are more experienced with circuit training.

So, in a world where you often hear of people doing 2500 crunches per day, why is this very short session so effective? There are four main reasons why, here they are:

* By focusing on an equipment free session you allow yourself to never skip a session due to the fact that it can be performed in any environment.

* Providing you have a shower at work, you could literally do this in the office due to the tiny amount of time it takes from beginning to end.

* If fat loss is your goal the high intensity exercise is excellent. By elevating your heart rate you'll be able to work harder and faster. Plus, your metabolism will be kick-started for the next 16 hours, which means you'll burn calories at an increased level for the rest of the day following this short burst of activity.

* One big area of failure with abdominal training is boredom. It's dull doing sit-up after sit-up. In order to get results from anything in life you need to enjoy what you are doing in the first place.

Three minutes may not seem like long, but it's about what you do with the time rather than how long it may be. One look at any gym will tell you this, where there have undoubtedly been folks striving to learn how to lose weight and getting nowhere fast, despite training religiously for years and doing what seems like endless cardiovascular activity. Of course, one of the main factors in learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes is appreciating that the work can't stop the moment your session is over. You should be working on eating sensibly and looking after your body if you want to get maximum results.

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