5 Reasons Why You Many Not Be Losing Weight

By Barb Taylor

Losing weight is not easy. Even those who start a diet program and stick with it sometimes do not obtain the results they had hoped for. Listed below are five weight loss secrets that can help you avoid sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Overestimating Calories Burned

Calorie expenditure tables are a common method used to calculate the number of calories burned while working out. Problem is that these tables are typically inaccurate.

Relying on these tables can be detrimental to your weight loss because they tend to significantly over estimate the number of calories burned during a workout.

The best way to accurately determine the number of calories you burn is to use a heart rate monitor.

Leaving Out Exercises That Build & Strengthen Muscles

When developing an exercise plan for weight loss be sure to include both cardio and strength training. Strength training builds muscle and muscle speeds up your metabolism and burns more fat, thus promoting weight loss.

If you have hit a plateau in your weight loss try alternating strength training and aerobic workouts to help you get through it.

Drinking To Much Alcohol

Drinking more than one drink daily can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts. As soon alcohol enters your system, your body makes this the priority and begins to process it immediately. Because of this any food you have eaten get processed slower and may be stored as fat.

Not only does alcohol alter your bodys normal digestion process, it also stimulates hunger causing you to eat more.

In addition to slowing down your bodys ability to burn fat, alcohol is packed with calories and has absolutely no nutritional value.

Skipping Meals

Skipping meals is never a good idea. This is especially true when trying to lose weight.

When you do not provide your body with the food and nutrition it needs, your metabolism will begin to slow down making it harder to burn off calories.

Also when you skip meals you tend to overeat when you finally do have a meal

To combat this, do the opposite. Eat 5 or 6 little meals each day to keep your body from becoming hungry. If your calorie intake goal for the day is 1600 calories plan to have five 320 calorie meals each day.

Expecting Fast Results

Setting unattainable weight loss goals is one of the main reasons so many people do not achieve their weight loss goals. They turn on the tv and see that there favorite celebrity just lost 30 pounds in a month and that becomes the goal they set for themselves.

There is no magic pill for weight loss. Time and effort are the key ingredients in healthy long term weight loss. One to two pounds each week is considered a healthy amount of weight to lose.

Those who lose weight at this rate, tend to be more successful at keeping it off longer.

Following these 5 tips can help you avoid weight loss sabotage and put you on the road to healthy, long term weight loss.

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