Laser Hair Removal To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair

By Albert Arce

Removing unwanted body hair can be a drag. Popular hair removal means are tiresome job and they don't even last for a long time. Waxing can last from several days to a few weeks, but it's quite painful and even messy. Shaving doesn't hurt too much, but after only a few hours, you would have to shave again because the hair is beginning to show again. Plucking the hair with tweezers is a lot of work. It can even inflame the skin and can cause chicken skin rashes, or the condition when patches of the skin gets swollen and rough. If you're not happy with these methods, then maybe you'd want to try laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a popular means mainly because it produces long-lasting results. It has gathered quite a following in the cosmetic industry in the recent years. considered safe, the procedure only takes a couple of seconds. It can also cover practically all face and body parts, including the underarms, legs, and chest and back.

So what exactly is hair removal by laser and what does it do? Plainly put, laser hair removal beams highly concentrated light into the hair follicles to eradicate them. It makes use of selective photothermolysis (SPTL), which corresponds specific wavelength of light and pulse duration to focus the effect on its target and not cause harm on the proximate tissues. Dark objects in the skin, which are the follicles of the hair, attract the laser energy, leaving the lighter coloured skin unharmed. This is how it can annihilate several hair follicles at the same time without harming the skin.

It may not work well on some patients, though. The best mixture for this type of hair removal method is dark hair and light skin. It is not ideal for people with light, white, or grey hair, or those with really dark skin tone. Patients may also feel minor pain during the procedure. The sting is akin to the sharp snap of a rubber on the skin, though it still depends on the type of machine used and the sensitivity level of the patient. It's tolerable, but it can cause temporary tenderness around the area. A simple application of topical ointment can cure the soreness.

Though a really effective method, laser hair removal does not permanently remove hair, as opposed to what some people claim. The hair can still grow back some time after the last treatment. It's best described as a permanent hair reduction technique as it can permanently decrease the total number of body hair following several sessions.

The procedure can be done in relaxed settings, such as shopping mall spas and clinics, but it must be carried out by a qualified professional. Have your laser hair removal done in a reputable clinic in Singapore. Most aesthetic clinics in Singapore also provide other cosmetic and medical procedures, such as remove pigmentation marks from the face and other body parts and Zeltiq Singapore slimming procedures.

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