Managing HCG Side Effects For Better Results

By Dr. Dennis Clark

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormones were originally given to women to boost egg production. This hormone also increases sperm count in men. Lately, it is also being used by dieters to lose weight. Although there are some HCG side effects that come with the treatment, many people still use the drops or injections to supplement their weight loss program.

Although some dieters experience some negative reactions to the treatment, many overweight people continue to use this to enhance faster weight loss. It is still considered a safe way to shed unwanted pounds. To avoid adverse effects, it is important to follow instructions carefully. Consult a weight loss expert who specializes in the use of this hormone to get proper guidance.

There is news that this diet treatment can induce blood clots but it is still necessary to get the facts straight first before believing these rumors. Typically, this kind of problem will ensue if the injections for the hormones are not administered correctly. You will need to learn how to inject the hormones under the skin and into the muscle the right way to avoid clotting problems.

A physician or nurse will instruct you on the proper application of the injection. It may not be a good idea to inject yourself with the hormone if you are not fully aware about how to use syringes and needles. After injecting it and you experience pain, a headache, dizziness, redness, and a warm sensation, inform your physician immediately.

If you are not skilled at injecting yourself with medicines, it might be a good idea to use drops as a replacement. The drops are not as potent as the injectable version and will produce fewer adverse reactions. It does however have a strange taste when applied under the tongue. The only known reactions to the oral treatments are minor headaches and cramps.

Constipation is another problem you may have to deal with when on this hormonal treatment. This is a common complaint for those using this diet solution. You can counter the bowel issues by drinking more H2O or by eating more fibrous vegetables and fruits. Moving your bowel often during a weight loss program is linked to shedding more pounds too.

Negative HCG side effects are not that common. They usually appear if a user does not follow instructions on how to apply the injections or drops. It is important to be consistent when using this weight loss treatment to avoid adverse reactions. Before using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormones to supplement your diet regimen, consult your physician first for a thorough examination.

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